Women Warrior Benefit Concert Benefit

By Brain Training of New England (other events)

Sunday, August 18 2019 12:00 PM 4:00 PM EST


12-4 Women’s Warrior Benefit Concert. 2 bands. Julian Loida:  vibraphonist, composer and percussionist from Boston will be mesmerizing us with his incredible vibraphone and musical instruments from around the world. World class. Jenna Sarno is a talented singer songwriter with her bluesy voice that will carry us to happy. Vendors for art,  crafts and food will be available. Please bring some food to share and your own chair if you prefer that to bench seating. Free Yoga for Veterans will speak and lead yoga at noon. 

Vendors and yoga begin at noon.  This is a family friendly event with lots of crafts and activities set up for the kids including playing on giant instruments with the band. The property has walking trails and gardens, three different swings and plenty to do for children and adults.  Delicious beverages and food available for donation.  Thank you!

Brain Training of New England